Artificial Continuum

Friday, November 5, 2010

So here's something you don't see everyday: a free, in-browser micro MMO. Realm of the Mad God is a 3D pixel-based graphic game that is deceptively deep. You start by making a simple character and joining one of the few servers, with no sign up required and a minor cookie option on your computer. The dungeons available are interesting, the enemies present real difficulties, but the largest factor of interest is the death system.

Quite simply, when your character dies, he doesn't come back.

This doesn't spell GAME OVER and cue the Chopin's Funeral March in B Flat Minor though. Everything you accomplished with your dead Hero is passed on to his "descendant". Though I haven't personally played very far in the game, it seems confrontation with the legions of the Mad God's servants requires teamwork on the part of the players.

If you're looking for something bigger than a mini-game and smaller than a full-fledged MMO to spend an hour or two on, this is your game.

