Artificial Continuum

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Hey, again! It's Alec, and I'm kicking off the week with a new Indie game for all of you to play! It's called RunMan: Race around the World, and I gotta say, this game is really something. The object of the game is simply to get to the finish line as fast as possible using whatever means you want. The game has a style of it's own, using an interesting paint-like atmosphere that just makes the game that much more enjoyable. Filled with lots of levels and plenty of achievements to try out, you won't be disappointed with the end product. And the best part? You can't die. Well, sort of. You can, but it's extremely difficult to do so. So no more jumping off into an endless cliff, or running into enemies and getting killed. Nope, here is all speed, and you've gotta be fast if you want to win the World Cup! (Not like there's any competition, mind. Who'd want to race against a ninja starfish? No one, that's who.)

The game plays like the old Sonic games, however, you can do several other ninja-like moves to propel yourself in just the right way to rocket past the finish line. Just pulling off that right combination of moves to get past a tricky obstacle gives you that awesome feeling that no other game can give you. I guarantee that you will have a lot of fun with this one.

Warning: This game tends to be glitchy, and also tends to have quite a few error messages with Vista. I got by by simply clicking accept through all of them, and I strongly urge you to do the same. However, if you have an older computer, I'd use that to play it instead.


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