Artificial Continuum
Friday, October 9, 2009
A Commentary: Mother 3

So, many of us have played Super Smash Bros. Brawl. We've loved it's quirky-ness, and the fact that it's got a ton of content. Sure, we're all satisfied with what Nintendo's got there. But, have any of you wondered where Lucas, that blonde-haired, fraidy-cat wonder came from? Well my friends, I'm here to educate.
Lucas is from a game called Mother 3, originally stemming from the lesser known game Earthbound (Mother 2 in Japan) for the SNES. Although many of you probably knew that much, here's what you don't know: Mother 3 is one of the greatest masterpieces of the last handheld generation. From the utopian visions of an insane king, to the loss of a wife and mother to an already failing family, this game is chock full of sheer drama and luscious storyline. I can guarantee that by the end of this game you'll want to cry, scream, and beat the crap out of the main villain (whom to this day, is my most hated villain in history).
The way in which the game is presented is very reminiscent of the Alice stoies from way back when, and the characters are so well thought out that they'll keep you guessing as to true motive til the very end. You can bet this game will be the emotional ride of your life. And did I forget to mention you do shrooms? (You do, actually, get high in this game. I kid you not.)
So what's left to say? Only this: Get this game. Do not miss this, or you'll be sorry.
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